Thursday, January 4, 2007

Scope of Work and the Bidding Process

Some of you have expressed interest in the details of the bidding process. The Scope of Work (SoW) will be released as soon as it is completed and then the PRT will begin accepting bids. I can not and will not accept a bid, now or at any point. I do not have the authority on this project; I am a technical advisor. I will probably post the SoW here or at least the information where it can be attained once it is approved.

Power Needs and Production

The most important building to power is the Governor’s Compound. There are an additional 10 buildings that may also be wired, but they will be lower priority (in some ranked order) that will get power if the system is producing enough. I’m not positive if this will need to be designed into the control system or if it will be a manual switch within the control house.

I’ve done a survey of the buildings that need power and come up with some power estimates for each building. My methodology was to survey the buildings and count light fixtures. Each light fixture consisted of one or two 40 watt fluorescent bulbs; there will certainly be places where different fluorescent or incandescent bulbs are installed but I used this as a planning factor. The PRT also gave me a planning factor of one computer per three rooms. Since I was counting light fixtures and not rooms, I changed this to one computer (assumed to pull 100 watts) per five bulbs. I’ve also assumed that everything was turned on for 8 hours per day, seven days a week. I hope this estimate is a little high but losses in the poorly wired buildings will likely balance this.

Understand that these are very rough calculations, but it is the best I could do. Here is what I came up with:

System Peak load: 44.1 kW
System Daily load: 352.8 kWh

I've rounded these to 45 kW and 350 kWh/day for ease of use. The Governors Compound makes up about 9 or the 45 kWs and 72 of the 350 kWh/day.

Below I’ve pasted some power calculations based on E15 machines, both 35 kW and 65 kW at different wind speeds. Red numbers meet or exceed the projected power needs of the system (350 kWh/day). With three turbines (105 kW or 195kW) you can see that with 20% losses the system produces enough power at only 5 m/s average wind speed. With 50% losses the system produces enough power at 7 m/s average wind speed with the DC system and 6 m/s with the AC system. I know these losses seem exceptionally high, but the quality of materials and installation is poor here, so losses are quite high.

Ideally, this system will produce significantly more power than is needed and the grid can be expanded to include homes and businesses. However, the main goal of the system is provide power to the local government and we need to ensure that goal is met.

Skematics and Thoughts on System Design

Here are some one-line diagrams on how I envision the system, both an AC and a DC version. I'm leaning toward the AC system design, but we'll evaluate the merits of any system design submitted as part of a bid. In all but the lowest wind speeds, the AC system produces more power (in my models) and at high wind speeds, the difference is huge. I'll post my energy productions predictions in a later post along with the estimates for the peak load and daily kWh usage.

I've been using the E15 turbines in both the 35kW and 65kW configuration as a means of evaluating each system design. I've chosen them to use in planning because I know the people at EMS and they're sound machines. Information is readily available on the machines and I found several studies which broke down the cost of installing E15 systems. The E15 was a cost effective machine in every study and I can use the pricing information to design the costs of the system. I am not endorsing EMS or the E15, I just need to use something in the planning.

I believe that a flexible, expandable, robust, easy to use control system is the key to the technical success of this system. We're working with very little wind data and out estimates of load are rough at best, so the system designers have very little to go on. Additionally, I believe there will be times when the system is producing its rated power for extended periods of time and producing more power than the system can handle. So I believe that the designers of the control system have their work cut out for them.

I also believe the secondary or dump load will be crucial to this project. To make the system work efficiently, we will need to find a usable sink for energy when the system is producing more energy than the primary load needs. Some ideas that we've come up with are: electric space and water heaters for the winter months, ice machines for the summer months, water pumping for irrigation or a battery charging station that locals can bring a battery to get charged. Each brings on their own challenges, not the least of which is increased cost, especially if we have different systems for the changing seasons. Additionally, I've modeled some system designs and at peak wind times the power produced is roughly 2-4 times the needed load. Ideally, we'd design a system that can take advantage of that extra power rather than shedding it, but it may not be practical.


I’ve created this blog as the discussion and information sharing forum for the hybrid power system that the US army is building in Panjshir Valley in Afghanistan.

First off, a disclaimer: Any information shared here is expressly informational and is based on my opinions and calculations. Any decisions, financial or otherwise, made based on this information is at your own risk. I have no right to enter into any contract or speak on behalf of the US Government or the US Army. The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone.

Also, everything posted here is my creation completely. Feel free to re-produce it, just properly cite it please.

Below I’ve pasted a fact-sheet that I wrote up. If anyone reading it got one before, I’ve put the edits italics.

Fact Sheet for Panjshir Valley Hybrid Energy System

The US Army wants to build the first village-scale hybrid power system to electrify the government compound (and perhaps surrounding civilian buildings) in the Panjshir Valley, Afghanistan. They’ve got around $500,000 (this may have been increased to $800,000, we'll find out in a week or so) and they want the best system they can get for that. We have to move very fast on this because the money earmarked for the project may be pulled back when a new command group takes over. The goal is to get a bid accepted by February 2, 2007. (This is less of a worry now because we think we've found a way to lock-in the money) I don’t know if this will be possible, but we’re very interested in trying.

I’m envisioning a system with approximately 100 kW of wind, battery storage for three days of power, a back-up diesel generator, a control system and a transmission and distribution system. I’m not averse to solar, but the walls of the valley are steep and the cost of solar may not be worth the investment. The contractor will be responsible for training any local staff that will need to run the system. I want the system to be very simple to run because the education level of the local population is very low. Systems requiring minimal maintenance are crucial because any maintenance requiring parts or labor from abroad will greatly increase the cost. I also want the system to be easily expandable so there is capability to add additional generation capacity as the grid grows. This is a very rough approximation of what we need and we’re flexible in the system design as long it meets the needs of the users.

The Panjshir Valley is approximately 3 hours drive from Kabul and was the home of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the leader of the Northern Alliance. It is a majestic valley with great wind. Massoud defeated the Soviets 13 times in the Panjshir before they just left him alone. The Taliban also tried to take the valley unsuccessfully numerous times. Massoud was assassinated two days before September 11th, 2001, but the Panjshiris still defend their valley with pride.

It is one of the most peaceful parts of Afghanistan; no American soldier has had any enemy contact there. Contractors have had no problems either. This is one of the only parts of the country where American soldiers travel in unarmored vehicles. They do not wear body armor or even helmets. The governor of the province recognizes the value of this project and will ensure contractors security. He may be willing to provide armed guards if it is deemed necessary.

The valley has a newly paved road, 8 meters wide and graded for large truck traffic. Specific details are available on the maximum grades and such, but there will be few problems regarding transport.

The specific site is a ridge that runs perpendicular to the prevailing valley winds. The site is approximately 400 m long and has a relatively flat on top. I think fewer, larger turbines are best for the site and the towers will need to be free-standing. The wind in the valley can be quite strong and reliable data isn’t yet available, so anything installed will need to be robust. The sides of the ridge are steep, so turbulence may be an issue.

The government compound that needs to be electrified is approximately 2.5 km from the turbine site and the spread over approximately one km. Probably 5-10 large buildings will need to be connected to the grid. Afghanistan has electrical codes which will need to be met for all construction.

The valley had two construction companies that go US quality work. They can pour concrete, move earth and build to standard, but any work they do will require oversight. They will likely be able to hire and operate any cranes or other heavy equipment necessary for construction. The valley has a lack of qualified electrical workers, but I’m sure many firms from Kabul could fill any electrical needs. Construction costs generally run about 50% of US costs. Unskilled laborers are paid $5 per day and skilled laborers are paid from $10-14 per day.